Sexy Lips Scrub Labbra*

Prezzo: 40% €15,00 €9,00
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Sexy Lips Scrub Labbra con Particelle di Zucchero.  Rigenera e leviga le tue labbra grazie ai micro-granelli di zucchero che esfoliano e ridonano la naturale lucentezza e sensualità al sorriso. Applica lo scrub in qualsiasi momento della giornata e, per un peeling ottimale, massaggia le labbra tra di loro per fondere i granelli di zucchero.




Sexy Lips Lip Scrub with Sugar Particles. Regenerates and smoothes your lips thanks to the micro-granules of sugar that exfoliate and restore the natural shine and sensuality to the smile. Apply the scrub at any time of the day and, for an optimal peeling, massage your lips together to melt the sugar grains.

Pupa 9
Christian da Neustadt in Holstein

Hello Mr. Marino, thank you very much for your offer. I transferred the money via paypal just some minutes ago. The paypal number is (...) Thanks a lot for your efforts and your help on this. I hope you are doing fine. Thanks and best regards from the Baltic Sea,