Rossetto I’m Divine Lipstick*

Prezzo: €17,50 €14,00
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Rossetto I’m Divine Lipstick*
Rossetto I’m Divine Lipstick

Finish iridescente e metallico per labbra eclettiche e audaci. Texture sottile e leggera. Lasciati attrarre dal potere del rosso! La formula è ricca di finissime perle iridescenti che regalano un finish tridimensionale e super metallico. La speciale combinazione di Cere ed Esteri rende la texture cremosa e sottile allo stesso tempo: le labbra sono perfettamente definite e levigate. Applica il rossetto partendo dal centro del labbro superiore verso gli angoli e poi ripeti sul labbro inferiore partendo invece dagli angoli verso il centro.



Iridescent and metallic finish for eclectic and bold lips. Thin and light texture. Let yourself be attracted by the power of red! The formula is rich in very fine iridescent pearls that give a three-dimensional and super metallic finish. The special combination of Waxes and Esters makes the texture creamy and subtle at the same time: the lips are perfectly defined and smooth. Apply the lipstick starting from the center of the upper lip towards the corners and then repeat on the lower lip starting from the corners towards the center instead.

Pupa 14
Christian da Neustadt in Holstein

Hello Mr. Marino, thank you very much for your offer. I transferred the money via paypal just some minutes ago. The paypal number is (...) Thanks a lot for your efforts and your help on this. I hope you are doing fine. Thanks and best regards from the Baltic Sea,