For Men Anti-Age Eye Cream 15ml

Prezzo: €46,00 €34,50
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For Men Anti-Age Eye Cream 15ml
For Men Anti-Age Eye Cream 15ml

Trattamento polivalente che idrata all'istante la vulnerabile zona del contorno occhi. La sua azione ripara la presenza di linee sottili e rughe. Riduce occhiaie, gonfiori e illumina la pelle devitalizzata regalando un look più giovane. Rafforza la barriera idrolipidica, migliorando l'uniformità e la compattezza cutanea.

Multi-purpose treatment that instantly hydrates the vulnerable area around the eyes. Its action repairs the presence of fine lines and wrinkles. Reduces dark circles, puffiness and brightens devitalized skin giving a younger look. Strengthens the hydrolipidic barrier, improving skin uniformity and firmness.
Clinique 34.5
Christian da Neustadt in Holstein

Hello Mr. Marino, thank you very much for your offer. I transferred the money via paypal just some minutes ago. The paypal number is (...) Thanks a lot for your efforts and your help on this. I hope you are doing fine. Thanks and best regards from the Baltic Sea,