Cryo-Fresh Cream Mask 75ml

Prezzo: €80,00 €56,00
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Cryo-Fresh Cream Mask 75ml
Cryo-Fresh Cream Mask 75ml
Cryo-Fresh Cream Mask 75ml

Questa maschera viso ad alta performance, ispirata alla crioterapia e all'expertise professionale Clarins, riproduce i benefici del freddo sulla pelle per prevenire e contrastare i segni dell’invecchiamento. La formula associa potenti principi attivi: la molecola M.G.A. derivata dal mentolo ed estratto di enotera bio, per una pelle come liftata, rassodata, che risplende di giovinezza. La sua texture in crema vellutata e ultra fresca, dal colore verde-azzurro, scivola sulla pelle come un cubetto di ghiaccio e procura un intenso effetto crio immediato. Efficacia visibile dalla 1a applicazione.



This high-performance face mask, inspired by cryotherapy and Clarins professional expertise, reproduces the benefits of cold on the skin to prevent and counteract the signs of ageing. The formula combines powerful active ingredients: the M.G.A. derived from menthol and organic evening primrose extract, for a lifted, firmed skin that glows with youth. Its velvety and ultra-fresh cream texture, with a blue-green color, glides on the skin like an ice cube and provides an immediate intense cryo effect. Visible effectiveness from the 1st application.

Clarins 56
Sandi da Pulham Dorchester GB

Dear Giuseppe Thank you the parcel arrived today, it is a surprise for my husbands birthday as he loved the fragrance when we recently visited Taormina! Thank you for your excellent service! Kind Regards Sandi